Friday, May 15, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

What an awesome Mother's day we had. We had gorgeous weather, fabulous food and just a fun day. We played outside most of the day, after a trip to Toy's R' Us. Then had a feast of crab legs, corn on the cob, and salads out on the patio. The best gift of daughters!

Our nanny made me a beautiful photo frame; including pictures of the girls,their painted hand prints and a lovely handprint poem. It was so thoughtful. We are lucky to have her in our lives!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Twins are now 19 Months Old.

I have not posted pics for quite sometime, so here are some new ones of the girls over the past two months.
Here is my little Natalee rocking out on the patio.

Here are my bathing beauties, living it up in the tub!

Uncle Cliffy and Dana gave them some money for Christmas. So, we went to Toy's R' Us and bought a new picnic table and slide.

I think I have a soccer player on my hands.

"Look Mom, no hands!"

Natalee spotting something very interesting.

Stroller rides are so exhausting.

Little Miss Hollywood in her new Easter gift from cousin Emily.

Look out world, wild Lexi is behind something with a motor.

Lex enjoying time in the backyard.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hurry Spring Hurry

My goodness time is flying by. My girls are growing so fast. We are having a blast together. They are now learning to talk and respond to my questions. They are so easy going and so much fun to be around.
Lexi is walking (even backwards), running and jumping. She is my little helper. Anything I ask her to do she does. She picks up her own toys and loves to be with me in the kitchen. The other night after the bath, I caught her picking up her and her sister's cloths and putting them in the hamper. She like to tell me if I forget to put up a gate by any of the staircases. She and her sister love to switch cribs and jump in each others beds.

Natalee is my little talker and my little cuddle bug. She is a little social butterfly and flirts with everyone she meets. She loves to look out the window and talk to the passers' by and their dogs. She loves animals and keeps herself busy with her toys. We have one of those bouncing zebra's and she just loves to climb on and bounce away. She isn't quite walking solo yet. She probably can do it but I just don't think she is ready yet.
We have some big events coming up in our lives and I am just ever so grateful I have these two in my life!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 08

What a fun Christmas we had. Even though we didn't make the trip to ND, we still had a great time. The girls had a blast opening their presents. Well, Lexi did a majority of the opening and Natalee just enjoyed playing.

We had lots and lots of snow this year. Thank goodness for the kind neighbors we have here in Liberty Lake. Everyone has been shoveling and snow blowing our driveway and walkways. That's no small task considering the size of our driveway and that we live on a corner with lots of sidewalks.
The girls are always helping me in the Kitchen. So, I got them these refrigerator magnet toys. I thought it would detour them from my Tupperware such luck. Now, I not only have Tupperware dishes all over my kitchen floor, I have little magnet pieces all over.

We had lots of visitors the weekend before Christmas. Kyle, Kelsey, Lexi & Keller came through and stayed for a weekend. Tom, Kim, & kids came to visit too. It was fun having family for Christmas.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Winter is on it's way...yuk!

We have begun to get ready for winter. The yard is cleaned, patio furnature packed away, plant put away for the season, and winter cloths and coats are ready for wear.
I'm certainly not ready though. The last one was way to long.
Here is my little Natalee all content playing with her car she got from Tia D.

Little Lexi JJ playing with her sippy cups while mommy make pancakes on a Sunday morning.

She loves to be in the kitchen with me and I love her company.

They both play in the tupperware cupboard and here is Lexi deciding she is going to put the pasta strainer on her head as a hat. I thought that was simply adorable!

Little Miss Natalee trying to get at mommy's camera.

They are growing and changing every day. Lexi has begun to walk, and Natalee is probably not too far behind. They both love to climb the stairs. The only difference is Lexi is a climbing speed demon and Natalee prefers to WALK up them with mommy holding her hands. Her legs are no bigger than the step itself. Needless to say it is pretty entertaining to watch.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Big Birthday Bash

Hard to believe an entire year has passed. Here is our first family picture, taken just minutes after the delivery of my beautiful twin daughters 9/26/2007.

Here we are one year later on their first birthday celebration. What a fun day. We were so lucky to celebrate with family and friends. The day was filled with excitement. Everyone tells you that the first birthday is more for mom than babies and I think they are right. The girls had a blast but had no clue it was all for them.

Once they started on their cakes the stress of getting ready for this big day all melted away with my laughter. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Natalee was such a little princess with her dainty little tastes of the cool whip frosting. Exact opposite was her sister. Lexi couldn't get to that cake fast enough.

This picture is titled: Let Me At It. Here they are...first tastes of sugar in that quantity. They loved their little butterfly cakes. It was a joy just watching them have that much fun. It was a day I will never forget.
Happy Birthday Natalee Lynn and Alexis Jae. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you more than you will ever know.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Cup Overfloweth...

Its hard to believe I have had these two in my life for almost a year...well over a year if you count the time in my belly :) I still look at them in amazement. The coming of their birthday is so bittersweet. I look at all the things they learn with such excitement, yet it is so sad they will never be tiny little babies again. This year has been the longest yet shortest year of my life, the most exhausting yet, at the same time, the most exhilarating year. I am the luckiest mom ever!!!